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Tales of the Covenanters by Ellen Jane GUTHRIE.
Published Glasgow by Thomas D Morrison in 1888.

My copy is a ninth edition, but from the language she uses etc, and the florid 'Victorian' English I suspect the first edition was published much, much earlier and reprinted.
She seems to use the Brownlee (Torfoot) narrative of the battle of Drumclog and Bothwell Bridge but doesn't quote it entirely - mingling and extending it into a sort of Victorian 'romance'. Interestingly, the 'narrator' of Bothwell Bridge, is indirectly identified as 'Torfoot' ( i.e. the Laird of Torfoot ) - and - mention is made of his presence at the battle
of Kilsyth (1645 ?). The 'Hamilton' mentioned as one of the 'leaders' on the Covenanting side is identifiable as 'Sir' Robert Hamilton of Monkland - a relative of the Dukes, but not of the Duke's direct family.
Submitted by George Russell

A Land Afflicted - Scotland and the Covenanter Wars 1638 - 1690 by R C Paterson
Published by John Donald in paperback, (1998)

This is a very worthwhile read (and a fairly easy one) if you want to understand the context and development of the period from the devising of the Covenant to the
arrival of William of Orange and the 'Glorious Revolution'. It is very detailed, includes maps and an excellent bibliography / index (no mention of Brownlees !). An entire section is devoted to Drumclog, its participants, causes and effects right up to (and beyond) the executions in Edinburgh, imprisonment in Greyfriars and transportation to slavery in Barbados / shipwreck in Orkney. The narrative is very well done, and easily followed. I
heartily recommend this book to any Torfoot desendant as a 'must read'.
Submitted by George Russell

See also Men of the Covenant by Rev A Smellie.
First published 1903 but re-printed many, many times up to 1963!

bit of a religious Victorian piece, but with lots of pen portraits and narrative - including many etchings, portraits, monument depictions etc. A classic !
Submitted by George Russell

Cromwellian Scotland - 1651 - 1660 by Frances Dow.
Published by John Donald 1979, reprinted in paperback, 1999.
Although covering a shorter period, this detailed research more than adequately portrays a Scotland occupied by Cromwell and the parliamentarian forces after the Covenazting armies broke away from the Civil War over the execution of Charles I.
Submitted by George Russell

The Scottish Exile Community in the Netherlands 1660 - 1690 by G Gardner.
Published by Tuckwell Press 2004

A well documented and researched description of how the Scots dissenters , including Hamiltons (no Brownlees) and various Covenanters and their sympathisers fled to the Low Countries to escape the persecutions of the Stewart dynasties during the worst of the 'Killing Times' and how they found support from the 'House of Orange'. This goes a long way to explain how William of Orange became so popular as a replacement for the earlier Stewarts ... The book also contains a set of lists of those known to have been in exile in Holland at the time, and where they stayed etc. Detailed stuff !
Submitted by George Russell

I also found (in Ullapool, in the very North of Scotland !) a book on the Scots in USA which mentioned a Brownlee (from Lanarkshire) as a prominent 'Abolitionist' during the Civil War - can anyone tell me more ? I'm sorry, but the book is 'mislaid' in my 'Library' pile at the moment - but I will unearth it later.
Submitted by George Russell